
Distinct Interviewing Methodology
Our People and Our Technology Make the Promark Difference

A highly competent staff combined with state-of-the-art technology provides the framework for Promark's success. With 250 predictive dialer CATI stations and a well trained interviewing team, Promark can deliver the most accurate, statistically valid survey results available.  Survey data can be delivered in a wide range of formats based on your needs. Open-end responses can be recoded into categories for statistical tabulation, typed as verbatim responses, or both.

All Promark interviewers are required to successfully complete an intensive training program, where they are taught sound interviewing methodology, techniques to reduce bias, proper probing skills, methods to overcome refusals and use of rebuttals to improve refusal conversion.

Training is enhanced through our in-house, custom-designed training survey which gives trainees the opportunity to practice their interviewing techniques in a "real-world" setting. Upon completion of our rigorous training program, interviewer skills are continuously refined through feedback from monitors, floor supervisors and ongoing professional development.